Tuesday 2 July 2013

Workshop - Dispositional Learning Analytics

Held in the lounge area of the the building so acoustics not great. Simon Buckingham-Shum chairing the session via Skpe :)

Website, speakers, links here

Played a PPT introduction featuring Simon's voiceover

began with some definitions
what is a learning disposition - enduring tendencies in the way that you behave, goes deep.

as educators we are trying to create intentional learners.

ref to John Dewey - must be the will or desire to employ intentions

Katz talks about habits of mind not as mindless habits. Contrasts attitudes and dispositions

Dweck - need for growth mindset - believe in your talents and abilities and that they can be developed through passion, education and persistence

Ruth Deakin Crick - contrast and compare students and teachers dispositions. common is location of self in relation to knowledge

John Seely Brown - looking at the profiles of what it means to be effective in 21st C - argues that resilience will be the defining concept. dispositions are now at least as important as knowledge and skills. cannot be taught, can only be cultivated

Thanks Simon!
See http://www.c-spanvideo.org/clip/4457327

argument about complex adaptive systems - turbulent times, unprecedented demands on capacity to adapt and relearn

need to develop personal and systemic resilience

Framing the challenge: designing learning ecosystems for white water

do you have the capacity to persist?

worried about
  • disengaged learners who know curriculum and have ability
  • high test achievers but who go to pieces outside of comfort zone
 ethics of analytics at front of discussion

If students and teachers have better dispositions for learning, can we demonstrate a difference?

can we move from self-report and researcher-report to automatically compute DLA directly from activity traces + other datasets


Ruth Deakin Crick

headlines & key ideas

dispositions are key levers for sustainable learning in 21C conditions of uncertainty, risk and challenge

learning eco-systems are complex and unpredicatable and cannot be sustained by external control: self-directed learning is therefore crucial

 - metaphor of jumping over hurdles - pre-set, high stakes, one after the other
- nature scene with road in middle - aim to make it real but still a prescribed path through the curriculum
- in a wilderness with no path

dispositions can be modelled - 'learning power'

learning power
mix of values, attitudes and dispositions which together are necessary for fuelling an individual's engagement with new learning opportunities through identity formation and scaffolding.

7 dimension of learning power

being stuck & static --> changing and learning
data accumulation --> meaning making
passivity --> critical curiosity
being rule bound --> creativity
being robotic --> strategic awareness
fragility and dependence --> resilience

Learning power correlates with other success criteria (but its a complex relationship)
  • distinct patterns of learning power profiles for under-achieving students
  • lp is positively associate with pro-social behaviour and negatively with violent behaviour
self-reporting questionnaire ELLI Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory

see Learning Futures Report, London, Paul Hamlyn Foundation

showed cohort analytics for educator and organisational leaders - pie charts

LA makes the invisible visible

fried egg model .. learning is an emergent property

modelling dispositions makes connections between ....

See also http://www.slideshare.net/Ruthdeakincrick/learning-dispositions-and-transferable-competences-pedagogy-modelling-and-learning-analytics

Simon Buckingham Shum and Ruth Deakin Crick (2012). Learning Dispositions and Transferable Competencies: Pedagogy, Modelling and Learning Analytics. Proc. 2nd International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (Vancouver, 29 Apr-2 May, 2012). ACM. pp.92-101.
Open Access Eprint: http://oro.open.ac.uk/32823 / Slides/Replay

Deakin Crick, R. (2012). Student Engagement: Identity, Learning Power and Enquiry – A Complex Systems Approach. In S. Christenson, A. L. Reschly & C. Wylie (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Student Engagement (pp. 675-694). New York: Springer.

Deakin Crick, R., & Yu, G. (2008). Assessing Learning Dispositions: Is the Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory Valid and Reliable as a Measurement Tool? Educational Research, 50, (4), 387-402.

Dweck, C. S. (2000). Self-Theories: Their Role in Motivation, Personality, and Development. New York: Psychology Press.

Learning Power, ViTaL Partnerships website: http://www.vitalpartnerships.com/learning-power

Shaofu Huang (2013). Prototyping Learning Power Modelling in SocialLearn. Social Learning Analytics Symposium, The Open University, UK (June 20, 2013). Webcast/slides

Dave Paunesku on the GPA impact of changing student mindset (a la Dweck)

David S. Yeager and Gregory M. Walton (2011). Social-Psychological Interventions in Education: They’re Not Magic. Review of Educational Research, vol. 81, no. 2, 267-301. DOI: 10.3102/0034654311405999. http://rer.sagepub.com/content/81/2/267.


Chris Goldspink
Layers, Loops and Processes: Multi-level Analytics in Learning Systems

PPT slides available

starting with individual agency and engagement in learning

If you want to gauge a student's interest you first have to uncover disposition

Showed complex diagram derived from structural equation modelling

Ruth Deakin Crick, Chris Goldspink & Margot Foster (2013). Telling Identities: Learning as Script or Design? Learning Emergence Discussion Paper (June, 2013). PDF

Ruth Deakin Crick, Steven Barr & Howard Green (2013). Evaluating the Wider Outcomes of Schools: Complex Systems Modelling. Learning Emergence Discussion Paper (June, 2013). PDF

Shaofu Huang (2013). Modelling Learning Dynamics in an Authentic Pedagogy Setting. Presented at the Systems Learning and Leadership Seminar, Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol, UK (May 24, 2013). Prezi Slides

Discussion about importance of carefully scaffolding the process of handing over agency/responsibility for learning to students.

What sort of learning architecture will provide rapid feedback at multiple levels to make the invisible visible and enhance responsible agency?

Learner Dispositions: Big Data Meets Focused Social Science Research
Nelson Gonzáles, Chris Goldspink and Ruth Deakin Crick

Declara -personalisation through persistent data

ELLI - learning dispositions through data mashup

ESA - rapid prototyping through social collaboration

Showed a recommendation Engine

Platform Architecture

looking at social collaboration

Declara's semantic search and predictive analytics:
  • intuitively understand the intent of social interactions
  • push personalised content and connections to them
 this enables




learning and professional development

Slide of next generation user interface


Heard good stories about
Datawrangling workshop with "open" tools

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