Wednesday 3 July 2013

Workshop - quantified self technologies and analytics

Quantified Self Technologies and Analytics
Erik Duval, Abelardo Pardo

Asked what attendees use

most said fitbit - wear constantly and get feedback on kms walked etc

also rescuetime - checks browser use and social media use - therefore what is and isnt productive in how you use your time. Can set goals eg no more than 1 1/2 hours per day in email.

Moodpanda - tracks mood - get a map of where you feel differently

Lift - android - express a goal, create a 'habit' and start checking in. get little graphs showing how you are doing

Observe only while engaged in the activity, then turn off (magic switch).

sensors are becoming a commodity

1 - what would you like to measure?

brainstorm then discussion - making creates opportunities for innovation ie collecting data just because you can, can pay unexpected dividends eg using Runkeeper - when in a foreign place, ask it to recommend a run (Runkeeper knows how far you typically run etc)

wearable & ubiquitous 'in' and 'out' fitbit gives Erik a little buzz once he's gone a few Km

2 - come up with a QS scenario and how you could use it

Venice unfolding example  

Erik's blog on the workshop

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